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GründerUni Bayreuth: Plätze frei: International Business Plan Competition (IBPC) | 31. Mai bis 10. Juni 2023 in Hamburg

26.02.2023 - deadline

Dear students,

There are still places available for this year's International Business Plan Competition (IBPC), which will take place in Hamburg from 31 May to 10 June. We have already informed you about the competition here and would now like to point out the extended application deadline. You can still apply for the IBPC until 26 February 2023.

Here is the information once again: The IBPC is one of the most exciting courses at the University of Bayreuth. Together with students from universities in Hong Kong and the USA, you will work on business ideas in promising subject areas - this time the field of artificial intelligence. You will learn to work in international teams and receive feedback from experts from different countries. The programme is rounded off by visits to top-class companies and research institutions and the opportunity to explore Hamburg. For more information, please see the attached slides.

Interested? - Then please write to us at tim@uni-bayreuth.de. Your email should reach us by Sunday 26 February 2023. In view of the tight deadline, we do not require a formal application with extensive documentation!

We look forward to an exciting and educational time with you in Hamburg.

Further information!

Webmaster: Adrian Roßner

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